No excuses – just lazy!

To sum up about two years, Diana has delivered us a new addition to our family. I’ve been doing the same o’le at work and we have various nights were sleep was interrupted from time to time.

We also moved twice, yup that’s right twice. As we discovered we were with child we moved to the financial district to start nesting for our little boy. After a year, we found various options which included more room for more optimal dollar per square feet values. In this cost effective move, we actually lucked out tremedously

Literally the day before Hurricane Sandy struck the north eastern coast, we moved from one building that was about 5-6 feet lower in elevation than the building that we live in now. Our old apartment had major issues from flooding and is not expected to be habitable for even a few months in the future.

Our new apartment is still not completely restored, but was at least habitable after 3 weeks. Eletricity is pumping from a diesel generator outside and I hear that the maintenance crews have to pump water up the towers 20 minutes at a time, every hour on the hour. Still the team that works at this building is incredibly courteous and I’m very grateful that we made it through.

With that the final update is that we’re still setting up the new apartment. It’s about 85% setup, I would say. The last few things are assembling some last pieces of furniture, installing some shelves and putting up some pictures. I look forward to this holiday season and wish everyone else some joy this season!

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